bodfinalBook Of Days 2016 is a year long ‘art in community’ experience that includes full length art tutorials, art cards, journal workbooks, and member only vlogs created specifically with the intention of facilitating and inspiring your intentional creativity practice.

This is an option for those of you who are joining us for the last quarter of the year, October 1st through December 31st. Tuition includes access to alumni pricing for next year’s BOD, should you choose to return (a value of $60 off the regular price!).

Each month for the rest of the year, you will find a journaling PDF with prompts, space for gratitude lists, to do lists, & oracle readings, musings on the month’s theme, and lists of magicks, like correspondences, moon phases, etc. Each week for the rest of the year you will get a bed head diary, (vlogs created especially for you), & an art card to prompt you into your art journal. Ever second week of the year, you will get a new art tutorial – one full length (first Monday of the month) and one time lapsed (third Monday of the month).

Created as a ‘mixed media art support buffet’, this programme has a lot to dip into and out of, including book binding, a complete mixed media boot camp, and more.

Get a sense of my personality and what the course offers in this introduction video. BONUS – this video includes a brief tutorial on using Tarot as a kind of creative ink blot. You’ll need to watch all the way to the end. 😀

This class includes:

bootcampBook Of Days Boot Camp with Teacher Support.
BOD Boot Camp is an intensive in the art of creating and keeping a Book Of Days. This class includes six chapters, and covers all aspects of mixed media art journaling including various methods of book binding, what to include in your BOD, adding text, creating backgrounds, gaining insight, creating faces, and mixing colours. It is a workshop unto itself, and you will have unlimited, indefinite access so you can take your time working through the content. As a BOD Annual subscriber, you will also benefit from teacher support, and the course materials will be housed in your 2016 classroom for ease of use.

journalingJournaling Workbook
1 x month full length colour PDF containing musings related to the theme of the month + a journal prompt for each day. These PDFs can be printed and used as workbooks, or you can simply read it on screen, and print the page containing the journal prompts to use as you see fit.The prompts are designed to jump start your writing practice, OR you may use them to inspire art journal spreads. There is no wrong way to use them! Released on the 1st of every month. These PDFs are ‘evergreen’, by which I mean that you can use them year after year after year if you like with the exception of the last page, which will contain dated moon phase and holy day information. When you print in any other year but 2016, just omit the last page.

artjournalingFull Length Art Lesson
1 x month full length video tutorial of an intuitive art journal spread with a spotlight on a particular technique (collage, adding texture, shading, etc.). Includes a full colour step-by-step PDF with supplies list and instructions. Released on the first Monday of every month.

5x15Time Lapse Art Lesson
1 x month time lapse spread created over a period of five days in sessions lasting no more than 15 minutes each. These demonstrations are meant to inspire you to use the time you have to create beautiful, complex spreads over a period of days. Released on the third Monday of every month.

beadheadBed Head Diaries on the month’s theme. 
These are meant to inspire your creative process, pass on things I’m learning, resources I’m loving, product tips, and whatever else comes up for me. I will be sharing all the art/journal/planning stuff I did each week during these vlog style videos. I will also be including a weekly exploration of Tarot in which I pull a card for us to explore, and suggest ways to engage this kind of wisdom in our art journals. Released every single Monday of the year.

artcardsArt Journal Oracle Cards
Printable, collectible art cards. These will be created using whatever art I’ve been making, and each card will have a key word on it. If you print off, cut out, and perhaps, laminate each card as it is released, you will have a collection of 52 cards by the end of the year to use as an oracle deck, or to prompt you in your art journal practice. Released every Monday of the year.


Journal52 is a free, year long art journaling program, and as a bonus, you will have dedicated space here to share your Journal52 responses should you so wish. I will be posting the prompts in here as well as in the other Journal52 spaces. All you need do is engage the prompts or not as you wish! You can join the Facebook Group for a huge tribe of fellow journalers, or just post in here for a smaller, more intimate experience. These posts will go live every Monday with your usual content.

All This For $49.00
If you start late, you will still get all the content as listed above. While there will be some discussion of seasonal themes (especially as holidays roll around), the content will be universally themed enough that you can approach and engage each month’s content whenever you like. Because you will also be granted indefinite access*, you will be welcome to revisit the content as you wish.

Boot Camp will be immediately available with content rolling out beginning October 1st. There is bonus content from September available instantly as well. 

*Indefinite access = as long as I’m teaching/managing this site.
This product is not currently available for sale.